To Mulch or Not to Mulch
As we were shovelling mulch into wheelbarrows from the large pile of green waste compost that had been dumped in the entryway, my colleague working alongside me posed a profound question: Is it necessary to apply mulch to borders?
Border redesign - what makes a pleasing border
A few years ago, I took on the maintenance of a large garden with well-established borders. While the planting had a clear colour palette and a sense of rhythm, something always felt incomplete. Despite repeated attempts to refine the planting, I struggled to pinpoint why the design lacked something.
Colour in the winter garden
I was struck by the contrast between the deep green foliage colour of the evergreen plants and the delicate silhouettes of seedheads. With little else in bloom, these natural hues stood out, drawing me in to appreciate their quiet beauty. In that moment, I was reminded of just how much interest faded herbaceous plants can bring to the winter garden.
Spend less time watering your garden
Watering is one of the most time-consuming tasks for gardeners, particularly during the summer months. Many garden enthusiasts find themselves repeatedly watering the same plants, especially those positioned along walls or in borders that quickly wilt in dry conditions. If you’re tired of spending so much time with the hose, there are tips and tricks to help you put the hose down and spend more time enjoying your garden
Spend Less time weeding in your garden
After years of maintaining gardens for my clients, I have become more and more experienced developing strategies to reduce labour and create an environment that requires less maintenance.